mtw_extended_day_policay_handbook_6.30.22.pdf | |
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IfMidtown West Extended Day
Parent Policy Guide
Co- Directors: Alan Henriquez & Stephanie Lopez
Bookkeeper: Claude Louissaint,
Midtown West Extended Day
328 West 48th Street
New York, NY 10036
Telephone: (212) 307-5523
Email: [email protected]
The Extended Day Program furthers the mission of Midtown West as a school that supports children and their families. The primary goal of the program is to provide child-care for working families. A strong sense of continuity for our children is maintained as they move from the school day into the afterschool hours by using the Midtown West facility and staff members whenever possible and to provide high quality activities that stimulate children intellectually, socially, and physically, in a safe, nurturing environment.
Registration for the school year takes place over the summer. Applications are available in July (for the school year starting in September) and should be returned by the August deadline. A complete registration packet must include all the required forms and full payment. Children will not be registered in classes with incomplete registration packets. Classes fill up on a “first come, first served” basis and may be canceled if under enrolled. An annual registration fee, the first month’s tuition and a non-refundable deposit (held as the last month’s tuition) are due upon registration.
Late registrations returned after the August deadline will be charged a $120 registration fee. Late admittance will be based upon availability and children may begin the program late. For ongoing registration throughout the school year, registration forms must be received by the 15th of the month to start the program at the beginning of the next month. Families must expect a processing time of two weeks. Children will not begin the program in the middle of a month.
Special Fee Class payments for YOSL classes are due by the beginning of the school year.
Fees are calculated based on the yearly program costs and pro-rated for the 10 month program. The registration fee and the first and last month tuition payments are due at registration. Invoices are emailed to families at the beginning of each month. Monthly tuition payments are due the first of each month (whether you have received your bill or not.) If you do not receive your emailed invoice at the beginning of the month please contact the office to confirm your email address. If the first of the month falls on a weekend, payment will then be due the first day back at school. If payment is not received by the tenth of the month, a $20.00 late fee will be charged. Your account must remain current each month or your child will not be allowed to remain in the program.
All payments and registrations must be completed online For Venmo, Zelle. See the Registration Instruction page for details.
We ask that families do not drop days from their schedule until the January “Free Change” period (see details below.) There will be a $15 change fee for any requested changes - to add days or to change into other activities. The change request form must be submitted by the 15th of the month for the change to go into effect by the beginning of the following month. Families dropping out of the program must provide written notice one month in advance. Deposits are non-refundable but can be applied to your last month’s tuition with one month’s written notice.
There are a limited number of scholarships available to qualifying families. Determination will be based upon income and family circumstances. Applications are included in the registration packet and available in the Extended Day office and on the MTW website. Forms must be completed and submitted to the MTW Extended Day Coordinator. Scholarships do not cover the $80 yearly Registration Fee, Special Fee classes (YOSL) or any of the camps. The Registration fee must be included with your scholarship application along with all other registration forms.
Special Fee Classes, YOSL Violin, are charged in addition to your regular Extended Day tuition. If you register for a Special Fee Class you must pay the full amount at the beginning of the semester (in September & February). These additional charges relate only to the YOSL Special Fee Classes. Please note: charges for Special Fee Classes are non-refundable. Once you commit to these classes there will be no make-up classes or refunds for missed classes. Your monthly tuition covers the cost of the Extended Day Program for the rest of the day.
The Extended Day Program at Midtown West offers a rich variety of fun activities for all grade levels at a reasonable cost. See the Activity Schedule for a full range of current activities. Our talented staff includes many of our own Midtown West teachers and other NYC professionals. At times, classes may be canceled due to unforeseen changes in teachers’ schedules or for other reasons beyond our control. It is not always possible to notify families in advance of such changes and children will be moved into unstructured play activities on those afternoons. Most activities are scheduled in one hour periods, although some class times may vary (see the Activity Schedule for details.)
The Daily Schedule:
NOTE: Pre-K and Kindergarten Schedules below:
Pre-K students remain together as a group engaging in age-appropriate activities throughout the day. They play for the first half hour, have snack at 3:30 then begin organized activities at 4:00.
Kindergarten students remain together as a group engaging in age-appropriate activities. Kindergarten children play for the first half hour, have snack at 3:30 then begin organized activities at 4:00.
CHOOSING ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR - Families will choose activities for the entire year of programming when they register. Classes are assigned on a 1st come - 1st served basis so return your registration packets asap to get your first choices. Students in grades 1-5nwill have the opportunity to request class changes free of charge during the “Free Change Week” which will be the second week of January. Space permitting, those changes will go into effect February 1st. All other children will keep their schedules for the entire year. If class changes are requested through the year there will be a $15 change fee and the change will depend on availability.
Monthly statements, informational notices pertaining to programming & reminders are emailed to families. It is vital that we have updated email addresses and contact information at all times. Parents can reach us in the following ways:
Extended Day provides a healthy snack that generally includes fruit, a grain and a protein. Parents of children who follow a special diet or are allergic to certain foods MUST notify the Program Coordinator, complete the required health forms and are encouraged to provide their own snacks.
Children should be picked up by 5:45. Once you arrive to pick up your child, you must keep him/her with you at all times. Do not allow your child to run around unattended. Children must always be signed out at their pick-up location when they are leaving the building. In addition, if picking children up before 5:30 an “Early Pick-up Form” must be completed by the parent, signed by the teacher or an ED staff member and given to the Security Officer before leaving the building. Only authorized people designated on the registration form may be allowed to pick up children from the Extended Day program. ID is required for anyone picking up a child for the first time or until the Security Staff becomes familiar with a designated person. Pick-up authorization and emergency contact information must be updated with the Extended Day Coordinator whenever there is a change. Updated information will not be forwarded from the MTW school office so be sure to also contact Extended Day with any changes.
WARNING: Parents/Guardians who do not follow these procedures will be asked to leave the program.
Most classes offered during the Extended Day Program ends at 5:30 p.m. Parents are asked to pick up their children between 5:30 and 5:45 p.m. There is a $15.00 late charge for every child remaining after 6:00 p.m. An additional $15 will be charged at 6:15 then again at 6:30, etc. Charges will appear on your next billing statement.
Repeated lateness or non-payment of fines can result in dismissal from the program. At 6:00 p.m. the Extended Day staff will contact the designated emergency contact to arrange for the child to be picked up. The school building officially closes at 6:00 p.m. All persons are asked to leave before that time. Families may not remain and play in the yard.
All parents are required to sign a medical release form at registration. The Extended Day staff may administer basic first aid such as ice and band-aids. In case of a serious injury or illness, a parent or emergency contact person will be called to pick-up the child. If immediate treatment is required and parents cannot be reached, your child will be taken to the nearest hospital emergency room. Please do not send your child to the program if he/she has a contagious illness and/or fever. Children should be fever free or feeling healthy for 24 hours before returning to the Extended Day program.
Children with any chronic or severe health issues must notify the Program Coordinator at registration and complete the required health forms. If a child requires an asthma pump or EpiPen all pertinent forms and medications must be given to the School Nurse or the Extended Day Coordinator before beginning the program.
No child will be allowed to attend Extended Day without all the necessary up-to-date medication and appropriate paperwork. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that all information and medication is kept current. Other medications are not administered in Extended Day.
There are no adjustments of fees for missed activities or days. No refunds are given if your child is suspended or withdraws from the program.
For the safety and wellbeing of all children, each child is expected to follow the teachers’ instructions and to follow basic rules of conduct. Physical or verbal abuse will not be tolerated.
The following procedure will be in effect if there are ongoing behavioral problems:
Children may not use any personal electronic device during the Extended Day hours. Children may not take photos or videos on phones or use them during Extended Day for any reason. If a child carries a cell phone or any other electronic device he/she may not bring it out during Extended Day hours. If a child uses an electronic device for any purpose during the Extended Day hours it will be confiscated and returned only to the parent or guardian. If children need to contact a parent/guardian they can come to the Extended Day office for support.
Extended Day cannot be responsible for any electronic devices. Children bring them to school at their own risk.
Inform the ED office of any contact changes. Also inform the Program Coordinator of any changes in your child’s health or the family situation or living arrangements that might affect your child’s behavior. This information will help the Extended Day staff in supporting your child and family.
Over the years Midtown West graduates have often returned to work in the Extended Day Program as volunteers and/or actual staff members. Some come to fulfill their Community Service requirements (as required at their current school) and others come to have an afterschool job once they turn 18.
18. HOLIDAY CAMPS are still to be determined for the 2023-2024 school year
If Holiday Camps are scheduled they will be offered during the February midwinter break and March/April spring break provided that we register enough children to pay for the weeklong program. The tuition and registration for these Holiday Camps is completely separate from the regular program. All fees are non-refundable. Announcements are posted and emailed several weeks before the holiday breaks. Camp drop-off is between 8:30 and 9:30. There is usually a field trip activity several days. We usually return by 4:30 in the afternoon. Pick-up is by 5:30. Space is limited - Pre-registration is required. Activities are planned to engage children of all ages. Plans can change to accommodate the safety needs of the entire group with no opportunity to inform families in advance. Younger children tire easily and planned activities will be adjusted on the spot, if necessary.
Holiday Camps are not available to Pre-K children.
These charges include the cost of any scheduled field trip activities. All registrations for camps must be returned by the deadline date. All fees are non-refundable.
The Extended Day calendar may be subject to change due to changes in the DOE calendar. Additional school closings may be scheduled.
Registration is available for camps in the weeks preceding each camp. Children must be pre-registered by submitting the registration form and payment by the deadline. Registration forms are emailed to families and are available at the sign out desk by security several weeks before the camp.
Space is limited. All fees are non-refundable. Camps are not available for Pre-K children.
The Extended Day Committee (EDC) consisting of the MTWED Board of Directors meets several times throughout the year to oversee the management of the Extended Day Program. The Board of Directors will be selected at the general membership meeting each June. All staffing and financial decisions are under the domain of the EDC. All decisions made by the EDC are reached by consensus. All parent/guardian members of MTWED are welcome to attend EDC meetings.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Program Director.
Parents are automatically considered members of MTW Extended Day when their children register in the program. Registration requires the completion of registration forms and the payment of the required fees as specified in the registration packet.
For membership in good standing, members must stay current with monthly tuition payments as designated in the MTWED contract and this handbook. There are no other dues or fees.
Please Contact the ED office if you do not receive your monthly statement via email or if your contact information changes.
Parent Policy Guide
Co- Directors: Alan Henriquez & Stephanie Lopez
Bookkeeper: Claude Louissaint,
Midtown West Extended Day
328 West 48th Street
New York, NY 10036
Telephone: (212) 307-5523
Email: [email protected]
The Extended Day Program furthers the mission of Midtown West as a school that supports children and their families. The primary goal of the program is to provide child-care for working families. A strong sense of continuity for our children is maintained as they move from the school day into the afterschool hours by using the Midtown West facility and staff members whenever possible and to provide high quality activities that stimulate children intellectually, socially, and physically, in a safe, nurturing environment.
Registration for the school year takes place over the summer. Applications are available in July (for the school year starting in September) and should be returned by the August deadline. A complete registration packet must include all the required forms and full payment. Children will not be registered in classes with incomplete registration packets. Classes fill up on a “first come, first served” basis and may be canceled if under enrolled. An annual registration fee, the first month’s tuition and a non-refundable deposit (held as the last month’s tuition) are due upon registration.
Late registrations returned after the August deadline will be charged a $120 registration fee. Late admittance will be based upon availability and children may begin the program late. For ongoing registration throughout the school year, registration forms must be received by the 15th of the month to start the program at the beginning of the next month. Families must expect a processing time of two weeks. Children will not begin the program in the middle of a month.
Special Fee Class payments for YOSL classes are due by the beginning of the school year.
Fees are calculated based on the yearly program costs and pro-rated for the 10 month program. The registration fee and the first and last month tuition payments are due at registration. Invoices are emailed to families at the beginning of each month. Monthly tuition payments are due the first of each month (whether you have received your bill or not.) If you do not receive your emailed invoice at the beginning of the month please contact the office to confirm your email address. If the first of the month falls on a weekend, payment will then be due the first day back at school. If payment is not received by the tenth of the month, a $20.00 late fee will be charged. Your account must remain current each month or your child will not be allowed to remain in the program.
All payments and registrations must be completed online For Venmo, Zelle. See the Registration Instruction page for details.
We ask that families do not drop days from their schedule until the January “Free Change” period (see details below.) There will be a $15 change fee for any requested changes - to add days or to change into other activities. The change request form must be submitted by the 15th of the month for the change to go into effect by the beginning of the following month. Families dropping out of the program must provide written notice one month in advance. Deposits are non-refundable but can be applied to your last month’s tuition with one month’s written notice.
There are a limited number of scholarships available to qualifying families. Determination will be based upon income and family circumstances. Applications are included in the registration packet and available in the Extended Day office and on the MTW website. Forms must be completed and submitted to the MTW Extended Day Coordinator. Scholarships do not cover the $80 yearly Registration Fee, Special Fee classes (YOSL) or any of the camps. The Registration fee must be included with your scholarship application along with all other registration forms.
Special Fee Classes, YOSL Violin, are charged in addition to your regular Extended Day tuition. If you register for a Special Fee Class you must pay the full amount at the beginning of the semester (in September & February). These additional charges relate only to the YOSL Special Fee Classes. Please note: charges for Special Fee Classes are non-refundable. Once you commit to these classes there will be no make-up classes or refunds for missed classes. Your monthly tuition covers the cost of the Extended Day Program for the rest of the day.
The Extended Day Program at Midtown West offers a rich variety of fun activities for all grade levels at a reasonable cost. See the Activity Schedule for a full range of current activities. Our talented staff includes many of our own Midtown West teachers and other NYC professionals. At times, classes may be canceled due to unforeseen changes in teachers’ schedules or for other reasons beyond our control. It is not always possible to notify families in advance of such changes and children will be moved into unstructured play activities on those afternoons. Most activities are scheduled in one hour periods, although some class times may vary (see the Activity Schedule for details.)
The Daily Schedule:
- 2:50-3:30 Children check-in for attendance in the cafeteria and are given a snack. Children eat their snack at designated tables based on their scheduled activities.
- Pre-K and K children play first and eat their snacks at 3:30
- 3:30-4:30 Session I Activities
- 4:30-5:30 Session II Activities
- 5:30-5:45 Families pick up children in the cafeteria.
- YOSL classes may be scheduled in 45 minute sessions from 3:15-5:45
NOTE: Pre-K and Kindergarten Schedules below:
Pre-K students remain together as a group engaging in age-appropriate activities throughout the day. They play for the first half hour, have snack at 3:30 then begin organized activities at 4:00.
Kindergarten students remain together as a group engaging in age-appropriate activities. Kindergarten children play for the first half hour, have snack at 3:30 then begin organized activities at 4:00.
CHOOSING ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR - Families will choose activities for the entire year of programming when they register. Classes are assigned on a 1st come - 1st served basis so return your registration packets asap to get your first choices. Students in grades 1-5nwill have the opportunity to request class changes free of charge during the “Free Change Week” which will be the second week of January. Space permitting, those changes will go into effect February 1st. All other children will keep their schedules for the entire year. If class changes are requested through the year there will be a $15 change fee and the change will depend on availability.
Monthly statements, informational notices pertaining to programming & reminders are emailed to families. It is vital that we have updated email addresses and contact information at all times. Parents can reach us in the following ways:
- Extended Day Office Telephone Number - (212) 307-5523 (after 3:30pm)
- Extended Day Email - [email protected]
- MTW Office until 3:00PM - (212) 247-0208 in an emergency
- Written Communication can be left in:
Extended Day provides a healthy snack that generally includes fruit, a grain and a protein. Parents of children who follow a special diet or are allergic to certain foods MUST notify the Program Coordinator, complete the required health forms and are encouraged to provide their own snacks.
Children should be picked up by 5:45. Once you arrive to pick up your child, you must keep him/her with you at all times. Do not allow your child to run around unattended. Children must always be signed out at their pick-up location when they are leaving the building. In addition, if picking children up before 5:30 an “Early Pick-up Form” must be completed by the parent, signed by the teacher or an ED staff member and given to the Security Officer before leaving the building. Only authorized people designated on the registration form may be allowed to pick up children from the Extended Day program. ID is required for anyone picking up a child for the first time or until the Security Staff becomes familiar with a designated person. Pick-up authorization and emergency contact information must be updated with the Extended Day Coordinator whenever there is a change. Updated information will not be forwarded from the MTW school office so be sure to also contact Extended Day with any changes.
WARNING: Parents/Guardians who do not follow these procedures will be asked to leave the program.
Most classes offered during the Extended Day Program ends at 5:30 p.m. Parents are asked to pick up their children between 5:30 and 5:45 p.m. There is a $15.00 late charge for every child remaining after 6:00 p.m. An additional $15 will be charged at 6:15 then again at 6:30, etc. Charges will appear on your next billing statement.
Repeated lateness or non-payment of fines can result in dismissal from the program. At 6:00 p.m. the Extended Day staff will contact the designated emergency contact to arrange for the child to be picked up. The school building officially closes at 6:00 p.m. All persons are asked to leave before that time. Families may not remain and play in the yard.
All parents are required to sign a medical release form at registration. The Extended Day staff may administer basic first aid such as ice and band-aids. In case of a serious injury or illness, a parent or emergency contact person will be called to pick-up the child. If immediate treatment is required and parents cannot be reached, your child will be taken to the nearest hospital emergency room. Please do not send your child to the program if he/she has a contagious illness and/or fever. Children should be fever free or feeling healthy for 24 hours before returning to the Extended Day program.
Children with any chronic or severe health issues must notify the Program Coordinator at registration and complete the required health forms. If a child requires an asthma pump or EpiPen all pertinent forms and medications must be given to the School Nurse or the Extended Day Coordinator before beginning the program.
No child will be allowed to attend Extended Day without all the necessary up-to-date medication and appropriate paperwork. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that all information and medication is kept current. Other medications are not administered in Extended Day.
There are no adjustments of fees for missed activities or days. No refunds are given if your child is suspended or withdraws from the program.
For the safety and wellbeing of all children, each child is expected to follow the teachers’ instructions and to follow basic rules of conduct. Physical or verbal abuse will not be tolerated.
The following procedure will be in effect if there are ongoing behavioral problems:
- Conflict resolution
- A warning will be given to the parent/guardian and child
- If the behavior persists, the Program Director will meet with the parent/guardian. If no improvement is demonstrated, the child may be moved to another activity or temporarily suspended from the program at the discretion of the Program Director.
- If unacceptable behavior continues after the preceding steps are taken then the child will be discharged from the program.
- It should be noted that if a child exhibits extreme, violent or threatening behavior, the Program Director has the authority to bypass the above four-step procedure and suspend or dismiss a child from the program.
Children may not use any personal electronic device during the Extended Day hours. Children may not take photos or videos on phones or use them during Extended Day for any reason. If a child carries a cell phone or any other electronic device he/she may not bring it out during Extended Day hours. If a child uses an electronic device for any purpose during the Extended Day hours it will be confiscated and returned only to the parent or guardian. If children need to contact a parent/guardian they can come to the Extended Day office for support.
Extended Day cannot be responsible for any electronic devices. Children bring them to school at their own risk.
Inform the ED office of any contact changes. Also inform the Program Coordinator of any changes in your child’s health or the family situation or living arrangements that might affect your child’s behavior. This information will help the Extended Day staff in supporting your child and family.
Over the years Midtown West graduates have often returned to work in the Extended Day Program as volunteers and/or actual staff members. Some come to fulfill their Community Service requirements (as required at their current school) and others come to have an afterschool job once they turn 18.
18. HOLIDAY CAMPS are still to be determined for the 2023-2024 school year
If Holiday Camps are scheduled they will be offered during the February midwinter break and March/April spring break provided that we register enough children to pay for the weeklong program. The tuition and registration for these Holiday Camps is completely separate from the regular program. All fees are non-refundable. Announcements are posted and emailed several weeks before the holiday breaks. Camp drop-off is between 8:30 and 9:30. There is usually a field trip activity several days. We usually return by 4:30 in the afternoon. Pick-up is by 5:30. Space is limited - Pre-registration is required. Activities are planned to engage children of all ages. Plans can change to accommodate the safety needs of the entire group with no opportunity to inform families in advance. Younger children tire easily and planned activities will be adjusted on the spot, if necessary.
Holiday Camps are not available to Pre-K children.
These charges include the cost of any scheduled field trip activities. All registrations for camps must be returned by the deadline date. All fees are non-refundable.
The Extended Day calendar may be subject to change due to changes in the DOE calendar. Additional school closings may be scheduled.
Registration is available for camps in the weeks preceding each camp. Children must be pre-registered by submitting the registration form and payment by the deadline. Registration forms are emailed to families and are available at the sign out desk by security several weeks before the camp.
Space is limited. All fees are non-refundable. Camps are not available for Pre-K children.
The Extended Day Committee (EDC) consisting of the MTWED Board of Directors meets several times throughout the year to oversee the management of the Extended Day Program. The Board of Directors will be selected at the general membership meeting each June. All staffing and financial decisions are under the domain of the EDC. All decisions made by the EDC are reached by consensus. All parent/guardian members of MTWED are welcome to attend EDC meetings.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Program Director.
Parents are automatically considered members of MTW Extended Day when their children register in the program. Registration requires the completion of registration forms and the payment of the required fees as specified in the registration packet.
For membership in good standing, members must stay current with monthly tuition payments as designated in the MTWED contract and this handbook. There are no other dues or fees.
Please Contact the ED office if you do not receive your monthly statement via email or if your contact information changes.